christmas knitting

great fiber no buy: day 16: halfway through

wow. i meant to definitely blog at the halfway mark, if nothing else. i’m already halway through my 30 day yarn diet. the only time i’ve fallen off (and i don’t think it counts, because it’s essentially a commission) was the yarn for mid’s next set of socks. he picked out livid orange and pink. not the colors i would have picked out for him.


i have made an agreement with myself. my christmas knitting for my mom has been driving me crazy. i haven’t started it, and every time i think about it, it makes me want to go into a panic attack. so i may just not do it.

i have a pair of socks knit for her, and the ornaments that i want to make for her are fairly low stress. if i get to them now, i’ll give them to her with the socks. if i don’t get to them, i’ll make them for her birthday in february. i think i’ll get to them this way instead of stressing about them and proscrastinating until, oh april or so.

so i’ve been working on scrap socks for myself:

upper cuff, first sock

honestly...i just thought this shot was awesome. near the end of the first sock

so...i ordered an orange italian soda at knitcore on sunday. it's definitely orange.