protect your neck!

with fall coming on (the fact that it hit 80 this weekend nonwithstanding) i’ve started to shift back to my winter hobbies. i love the fact that having my own place again means that i have plenty of room to spread out and breathe…

…and notice that my yarn has literally outgrown the closet i set aside for it. has circular swaps and when i saw one that was based around handmade scarves i was all over it.

this was a fairly easy knit. i used a vintage stitch pattern that i picked up when i was in high school. it took just over 400 yards on size 7 needles. i used a yarn called cara mia that i believe has been dc’d, which makes me sad because i really fell in love with it.

the pattern is interesting because it’s garter panels using all purl stitches. you never switch between knit and purl because the garter panels are purl and all even rows are purled. it means there’s less counting (at least it felt like that).

combination cable

multiple of 18 stitches

1 *p2 k2 p2 k6 p2 k2 p2*

2 and all even rows purl

3 *p2 twist 2 p2 k6 p2 twist 2 p2*

5 *p2 k2 p2 k6 p2 k2 p2*

7 *p2 twist 2 p2 k6 p2 twist 2 p2*

9 *p2 k2 p2 cable 6 (3 over 3) p2 k2 p2*

11 *p2 twist 2 p2 k6 p2 twist 2 p2*

12 purl

twisted stitches

knit into the second stitch on the left hand needle. without removing the second stitch, knit into the first stitch onto the needle and slip the 2 stitches you just knit off of the left hand needle. done correctly, it’ll create a 1×1 cable.


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