Month: January 2011

16.5 hours

16.5 hours into the new year and i’ve already accomplished one of my fiber-related goals.

my hallway and bedroom are horribly disorganized, and just generally in need of a good deep clean. i have all of the yarn that mid’s mom gave me in a box in the living room, but it needs to be moved before it’s found in its current hiding spot.

my yarn lives in a pile of crates on the bottom landing of the hallway. i want to put the yarn in the living room into those boxes, or at least part of it. i also have a pile of lion brand homespun that’s supposed to eventually become a blanket for a friend that’s been living in shopping bags on the top landing.

i’ve been teaching a friend of mid’s to knit over the past month or so. she needs yarn, i need box space.

i’m giving her 20 skeins of red heart and other assorted worsted weight yarn next week.

there. goal accomplished, and hopefully room for the other yarn.