Fall (and Winter) Plans

Ghost Sighitng- Mourning in England and America

Ghost Sighting- Del Toro and the Haunted Mansion via Famous Monsters of Filmland

Ghost Sighting-Poe’s the Haunted Palace via Southern Ghosts


Watch me get swarmed with people looking for Game of Thrones stuff now that I’ve mentioned the screamingly obvious.

at least it wasn’t a complete waste of time for you guys. (i don’t hold the copyright for this image, nor claim to)

I finally have mittens finished, and I’m set for scarves. I should knit myself a new slouch hat or two.

I’m involved in a rather large scale ambitious knitting related charity project that’s been keeping me pretty busy knitting scarves. I have two or three pattern posts started with fairly simple, fast knit patterns. I know that my patterns haven’t been too complicated lately but if we need hundreds of them, they can’t be fine lacework either.

If winter is coming, then so is Christmas.

I just want it put out there so that everyone is clear, I’m not actually starting working on Christmas right now unless I start finding stuff at great prices. But I don’t want to go through the Snigna fiasco all over again this year.

my photo, but not my tree

Mid has put in a request for fingerless mittens this year, so unless something goes strange I can wait until after Thanksgiving to start. I know what I want to do for my mom and I can wait until October to start worrying about that. My dad will be fairly straightforward.

-Thanksgiving before Christmas

I have no idea who to credit for this image- the movie is Thankskilling and I’ve had the image hanging out on my writing flashdrive forever.

Guess what. I’m now an adult. I get to host my first Thanksgiving this year…for 20 people. Nothing like jumping in with both feet.

But first, Halloween

I have no idea what are plans are for the Samhain side or the Halloween side will end up being this year. but I have a costume idea, and hopefully it won’t be too expensive. I need to finish the knitting part of the project though.

And before Samhain, we have Mabon.

Let me tell you Internets about how I’ve been dealing with a rash of angst, drama, and misinformation. There’s not much left on the wheel of the year to be afraid of if you spent 5 minutes on Google. Even Wikipedia is pretty even-keeled now about the Sabbats (trust me, I remember the infamous Samhain battles when Wikipedia first came out.). Bread people, bread is not terrifying. Really. And that’s what we’re faced with now- the harvest.

Which means canning. Pickles, specifically, right now. I may have to break out my quart jars which I don’t really like to do because they flood the top of my stove and I have to use my canner instead of a stock pot. Maybe I can make it work though.

I’m going to have to, is the bottom line. Cucumbers wait for no man.

6 months ago- Comfort Cooking and Cast Iron

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