Star Light, Star Bright {Christmas Garland}

There’s a flaw in that photo. I know there’s a flaw in that photo, and it bugs me! But I didn’t notice it in time, and at this point I think it’s earned the right to be there-no such thing as perfection, etc. etc. Like I said further down, this is not my favored yarn.

If you read crafting blogs at all, you know that this is the time of year that everyone works themselves into tornadoes making all sorts of cute, Christmas-y stuff.

I guess the thing with me is, I knit. I used to different crafts-but unless it has to do with fluff or yarn I can’t really do it anymore. So I was feeling pretty sad that people had cute garlands-garlands that would end up in a ball at the bottom of the dumpster if I tried to make my own.

However, I did come up with two balls of Patons Brillant in my stash. I was going to make Christmas ornaments for our tree-it’s silver and blue- but then I realized that ornaments sewn to an i-cord would make a garland.


Star Light, Star Bright Christmas Garland

needles: size 5 for the stars, size 6 for the cord
pattern: Knitting in Color
Yarn: Patons Brillant, approx. 1/2 a skein

-The garland is about 6 feet long
-I had to steek part of the garland’s cord. It ended up about 3 inches too long and I decided it was easier to cut it off than try to rip it out. I sewed off a tight knot and cut on the far side of the knot to get the cord the right length.
-This yarn was horrible. No, really. As someone who’s pretty pro-acrylic I can’t imagine knitting a garment with this stuff, or wearing it. It split all the time and just felt bad. I like the look of the knitted stars, but I would not use this yarn again.
-I added an extra row to the pattern because I can’t work a double decrease into a cast on row with my favorite cast on method. I think it made the stars look slightly more abstract than the ones in the pattern photo.

Right now the garland is above my couch-which is a really horrible place to try and get project photos (nothing like silver stars on a beige wall). I may hang ornaments or Christmas cards off of it just to give it some color.

Please, stop by this week’s Fall Into the Holidays or Inspired Weekends!

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ginger snap crafts/christmas wonderful


  1. Katie,
    You did a beautiful job with this garland. It is so pretty. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday’s Adorned From Above Blog Hop. This weeks party starts at 12:01AM on Wednesday and runs through Sunday night. Have a great week.
    Debi, Joye and Myrna (The Busy Bee’s), Linda (Two Succulent Sisters)

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