The Very Inspiring Blogger Award/The Versatile Blogger Award

The Fairytale Traveler has very kindly awarded me both the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and the Versatile Blogger awards!

In order to accept, it’s asked that I:

1.  Display the Award Certificate on my website/blog.
2.  Announce my win with a post. Making sure to post a link back to the person who gave the award as a ‘thank you’.
3.  Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
4.  Drop a comment to tip them off after I have have linked them in the post.
5.  Post 7 interesting things about myself.

So 7 things about myself…?

1. I played clarinet for 8 years.

2. I have a thing for strange and fanciful Halloween costumes. I would like to go as something fish related this year.

3. I never took my Christmas tree down last year…

4. I write soundtracks to my life, and constantly decide what my theme song will be.

5. I entertain myself by coming up with story lines for books I’ll never write.

6. I’ve been writing a fantasy novel for 4 years now. I have no intention to publish it-one of the items on my bucket list is to write a novel before I die just to show myself that I can do it.

7. I wanted to be a street sweeper when I grew up.

15 Bloggers I think You Should Be Reading:

1. A Flock in the City

2. Little House in the Suburb

3. The Prairie Homestead

4. The Gods are Bored

5. All Four Burners

6. Horror Novel Reviews

7. The Spooky Vegan

8. Almost a Fairy Godmother

9. The Novice Chef

10. Food in Jars

11. The Knitting Kraken

12. Clockwork Lemon

13. Pinstrosity

14. Scream Like a Girl

15. Ghost Cities

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