J is for Justice (and Judgement)

Knitters and crafters- remember to stop by Monday’s post and enter in the handspun silk giveaway!

Not to go into any great detail (because frankly, I can’t keep thinking about this or I’m going to need more than a slight intervention myself) last Wednesday ranks in the top ten shittiest days of my adult life.

Sorry for the language, but that’s the reality of it.

I’ve gotten a lot of theories and explanations and apologies for the factors that led up to that day. And I have a fair number of theories about it myself, most of them decidedly less than pleasant.

And a fair bit of rage. Is that healthy? I’m not sure. I’m not sure that I really care right about now. I’ll worry about that when I can think about that day without wanting to eat my weight in Phish Food or play-act at being the Morrigan.

I had no idea of what to write about for the letter J. I was going to do write on the Joker and the role that comedy plays on our paths as pagans, but then Last Week happened and I’ve been brooding thinking about the concepts of justice and judgement for an inappropriate amount of time the last 6 days or so.

In the tarot, Justice is a card that marks the impersonal, objective needs that arises in order to determine justice and perhaps an overextension of those needs. Judgement can stand for a surprisingly large number of healing concepts ranging from completion to rebirth, mostly due to the traditional associations with the End Times as seen through a Christian lense.

There’s a great many ways of looking at both concepts from a pagan perspective, but I think that the one that’s most relevant for my path right now is how do we arrive at either. At what point does it become acceptable for us to play judge and jury? When is it okay for us to retaliate against inappropriate judgements? What do we do when someone takes it on themselves to decide the weight of our actions- and in some cases, respond accordingly?

The short answer is, I don’t know. It depends. Most of the time I can let things slide, heal, and go from there. But what happens when the problem, the slight, is so large that it crosses the line into injury? I suppose it depends on how large, large really is. I suppose it depends on how much harm was done and if it crosses the line into a situation where I have to take action in some form. And I suppose that the short answer is that if one is to believe in a snap-back effect or karma, keep myself as neutral as possible to not have to worry about it all that frequently.

Sometimes things just get messy though. And the clean up can be just as messy. I like passive, neutral responses- tell my truth, and protect my own through warding. I like mirror wards. Keep the energy out and there’s no problem.

I think that unfortunately that this is not a topic that has a clear answer because sometimes the act is just so large that there’s no clean way of handling it, other than time. Time, to steal a cliche, is the great healer. But damn, sometimes it hurts, every frakking second.

6 months ago- Spring Cleaning

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