Taco Pockets

taco pockets

I have to use my pie press five times or Mid’s not going to let me keep it.

So here we are, at project number 2 of the hand pie project.

I do love tacos. I love Mighty Taco, but I don’t love paying for tacos out all the time. And it’s hard to find tacos that have the right heat level for me. Or it’s hot enough, but the flavor is off.

I used beef and Penzey’s chili seasoning for this batch but this recipe would be exceptionally easy to mod to vegetarian. Use whatever you love to put in a taco but leave out the more delicate vegetables like lettuce. Serve those on top with more cheese or Greek yogurt.

Half a pound of meat gave me about 6 pockets, which makes this a great way to use up left overs. Not a lot of meat? Make less pockets.

I bet these would be lovely with a corn dough but I used pie dough.

Taco Pockets

-1/2 pound cooked taco meat, seasoned to your preference


-cheese of choice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cut out dough to desired size or to the size of your pie press.

Fill with taco meat, cheese and salsa making sure to not overfill pocket. Press edges.

Bake for 30 minutes. Serve with favorite taco toppings.


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