By Special Request: Goblin Court’s Pixie Potion

Look at it.

It’s so pretty.

It’s so innocent and unassuming.

It looks so…tame.

This glass jar caused a ruckus on Saturday. I literally had people stealing it from me.

What, exactly, is that wonderful pink fluid?

Pixie potion.

Pixie potion is in effect a cousin to that favorite, often insulted mess called jungle juice. At least the way I learned it, jungle juice was a different drink. One that I believe involved rum. This is at least one rung above it on the ladder.

I actually don’t drink that often so this may be the one and only time this blog sees a mixed drink post- and a rare double post to boot.

Pixie Potion (for a one quart jar- adjust alcohol accordingly for larger batches)

2-3 shots of vodka (one batch used grey goose and one used cupcake vodka- mix to desired strength)

raspberry lemonade

handful fresh mint

In a quart jar add mint and desired amount of ice. Fill jar with lemonade and add desired amount of vodka. I like this drink on the fairly weak side, so I only used about 2 shots worth for a quart jar which diluted it pretty well once the ice melted.

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